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Permanent Hair Removal 
At Its Finest

Discover the Leading 
Multi-Needle Galvanic Device

Bringing cutting edge electrolysis technology to the forefront of the industry.

Welcome to the GEMM-16, redefining permanent hair removal with unmatched efficiency, comfort and reliability this machine is here to change the game.

years in the making


satisfied clients and counting
in service
years in the making


Hi, I'm Noreen

I can sleep at night knowing I solved my own problem and developed a solution for others.

GEMM-16 - Machine in use on arm.jpg

AEM Clinic

"I have been using GEMM-16 machines for almost 3 years. They are reliable, easy to operate and consistent.

Interface and user experience are simple, well-designed and easy to follow.

Every single day showing up at work, my staff and I know certainly the machines will operate smoothly without any disruption or 'surprises'."


“Luckily I found Permanence. Within 8 months, attending for an hour every fortnight, my chin was clear of hairs. After 3 years there has been no re-growth and the dark coarse hair is gone.“

How it works

What makes this device so exciting is all to do with it's simplicity.



Once ordered, receive your device with its setup kit and everything you need to start using it straight away.

  • What is Electrolysis?
    Often referred to as Galvanic Electrolysis, electrolysis hair removal involves treating and permanently destroying the part of the follicle responsible for hair growth. At Permanence, we are proud to have developed The Permanence Method. We use our own refinement of the galvanic multi-probe electrolysis and our therapists are expertly skilled to provide the best hair removal results, and to keep your skin hair free, forever.
  • How does Electrolysis work?
    Most chemical reactions take place between ingredients that readily react together to release energy and form new compounds but many useful chemical reactions require a bit of encouragement through heat or electricity. Such reactions are much easier to control by simply regulating the amount of heat or electricity applied. In the case of the electro-chemical reaction in Electrolysis, a negative current is applied to the hair follicle and any moisture present in the follicle is gradually converted into sodium hydroxide (commonly known as lye) over a few minutes. Lye is highly reactive in the presence of organic compounds (in this case, skin). Fortunately, the amount of lye produced is miniscule and highly targeted to the area it is intended to work on beneath the skin.
  • Why would I choose Electrolysis over laser?
    Electrolysis is the only option for achieving permanent hair removal. Much like having braces to correct your teeth, if you put the time in to get it done right, the benefits will last a lifetime. The confidence you will gain through getting rid of unwanted hair is immeasurable. Laser may produce faster results but they are not permanent and if permanence is what you want then laser can become very expensive. Laser is also only suitable for a narrow range of clients – those with dark hair and light skin. Using laser on clients outside this range can be ineffective whereas electrolysis can be used on all hair types.
  • Is the GEMM-16 easy to use for Electrologists?
    The GEMM-16 has been designed by engineers AND electrologists. It was built with the user and client in mind. From the start of treatment until the end, the machine will allow seamless current with no interruptions throughout the treatment. The interface is straight forward and easy to both assemble and understand, coming with both assembly and training instructions and videos.
  • Do I need a qualification to use the GEMM-16?
    On purchasing the GEMM-16 you are required to complete our training videos. Each country and each state has their own regulations and qualifications required to practise as an electrologist. We recommend researching the laws in the state you are located in.
  • Is there finance options available?
    Yes we have finance options currently available for purchase in the United States. If you are interested in this please email: and we will send you through more information and the required forms.
  • What current does the GEMM-16 work on?
    The GEMM-16 works on micro amps. The device has an allowable range on a single channel of 80 to 200 microamps.
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